Saturday, May 3, 2008

Chris' blog 1st May

The Trip – 1 May 20/47

Today was a public holiday in Malawi. However the Rotary Club put us to good use. In the afternoon we participated in their wheelchair project in the Saleima area (about 125km away). The RC of Lilongwe has a plan to provide every person that needs a wheelchair with one. They (through a matching grant with a club in the UK) have arranged for two cartons (580 chairs). Next year they have a grant with a club in the US. And the other clubs in Malawi will be following through with the program.

Prior to the Greg Ryan and I visited Lincoln’s farm. Here he is growing different fruits, (oranges, lemons, tangerines, mangoes and cross breeding goats to produce greater quantities of milk. IN Australia these types of activities with occur in conjunction with some researchers (maybe PhD or Masters Students), by here as no such opportunities are around, so he is just doing it himself.


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